Web Statistics Plesk

Tutorials Plesk | plesk | statistics | web | statistics | traffic | site
Web Statistics shows us statistics about traffic to our site
by Mihai BobriucViews 357Updated now 1 yearPublished 16/07/2021


  • In this tutorial we will discover how we can view statistics about the traffic to our site through Web Statistics
  • Finally, when your website is performing well and the search engines are returning it in the search results, it is the best time to evaluate the effectiveness of the website by viewing the web traffic statistics.


  • A Plesk account


  • After logging in to the panel, we will go to the Statistics section in the left menu and choose the site whose statistics we want to see.


Statistics plesk


  • In the next window we have two frames with graphics that are divided into :
  • 1. Disk Space - the storage space occupied by the files belonging to the respective site, divided into several categories such as the site itself, emails, databases, etc.
  • 2. Traffic - the data traffic of the site, in MB, of the main services such as FTP, HTTP (site traffic), SMTP (mail traffic) etc.


statistici plesk


  • For more details regarding the traffic on the website, divided by services, we have, under the two borders, 4 buttons that will take us to separate pages where we have the following :
  • 1. FTP Statistics - is a ratio of the amount of data transferred through the FTP service from the site to the external and vice versa.
  • 2. Data Transfer Statistics - is a ratio of the amount of data transferred by the site (http and FPT) and mail (SMTP, POP3/IMAP)
  • 3. Web Statistics - is a complex report that shows you the number of visitors to the site in a certain time interval on its unsecured version.
  • 4. Web Statistics SSL-TLS - the number of visitors on the secure version https with SSL certificate is reported . Alternatively, you can access the following link for this visitor statistics page https://demo.hostico.ro/plesk-stat/webstat/ Web Statistics will open in a new window where you can choose the display period with the Select Period button at the top or by choosing a filter on the left side of the page :


Statistici web


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